Friday, November 9, 2012

Kikubo Village, Uganda

This is a rendering of Kikubo Village in Uganda, which is being built with help from some church groups in the US. The village serves as a community for women who have been been cast out by their husbands. In Ugandan culture if a man gets tired of his wife he can simply throw her out. These women who have been thrown out by their husband are stigmatized by everyone and have no one to help them survive.

Fortunately, these women have this community to turn to. I don't know too much about it, except that it was established and run by a Ugandan minister with aid from a few churches in the US. Currently only the colored buildings are completed. One of these buildings provides the women with a place to sleep, while another one serves as a classroom for teaching job skills. A fire pit for cooking is in the bottom right, and field for crops is in the top left. There's also a small outhouse and banana trees scattered all over the place.

I don't remember what the four proposed buildings (in white) were for. The round cylinder is a cistern and water treatment device, while the pens in the top left of the image are for goats, chicken, and other livestock. There are also plans for a basketball court.

I had completely forgot about this village until I was digging through some old pictures today. A friend of mine from Arkansas had asked me to put together a rendering of what the village would look like when completed. Her Sunday school class had adopted this project as their community service, and needed a rendering to put on promotional material for raising funds. I was glad to do it.

I have some photos of the village somewhere. I'll try to post them if I find them. I'd also like to check in with the people involved with this project to see how it's turning out.

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