Saturday, November 24, 2012


I don't have any good pictures of this, but a few years ago several students and I helped one of my professors at the University of Arkansas install some land art on the university campus. The installation's location was on Old Main Lawn, which is pretty much the university's "front yard," similar to MSU's Drill Field or Ole Miss's Grove. The lawn is where the university and the city meet, and is one of the most popular places to be in the area during the warmer seasons. Winters there can get a bit brutal at times, so this installation was meant to help liven up the place when there aren't so many people hanging around (though there's still plenty of people walking through).

These pieces of art were made of strips of oak and river cane and were illuminated from within at night. Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture of them lighted at night, but they definitely created an other-worldly atmosphere for what would have otherwise been a mostly abandoned space.

I think this goes to show the importance of livening up a place even during the winter months, as well as the ease and minimal expense that can go into doing so. Also, it can be quite fun and can turn into a community event!

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